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Blog #4: Consider the Lobster

When I first started reading this composition, I expected it to be an article solely explaining the Maine Lobster Festival. However, this paper consisted of multiple genres. There was a part of the article that discussed how lobster used to be a food that people of low status ate, as well as the class and species of lobsters. Other genres included migratory behavior, specific instructions on how to cook lobster, and how the People for Ethnic Treatment of Animals are strongly against traditional preparation of lobsters. However, the main point of this article is to get readers to ponder if the way we prepare lobsters is ethical. The author showed how there are alternative methods that are more humane, such as stabbing them in the head so that they are killed quickly, or boiling them slowly so that they can adapt to the temperature of the water. I believe that the current way lobsters are killed is inhumane. Why do we boil them when we have the option to kill them quickly with minimal suffering? Overall, I liked how the author made me think about the treatment of animals and highlighting the importance of discussing uncomfortable topics.

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